Here's the first Yellow Bug Blog post of 2013 and the fulfillment of at least one New Years Resolution. This is sure to be an action-packed, year, filled with chills, spill, and assorted nonsense as we continue to press the pedal on the Yellow Bug empire.
Hopefully the scene above will not be representative of our blogging efforts in 2013.
So I'm writing this during the BCS "Might Be The Championship Game But Nobody Really Knows For Certain" game between Notre Dame and Alabama. Catholics vs. Cousins, as the t-shirt says. Big Game Bret has already fired off a couple of 'fires', so the drinking is well underway. See here for an explanation.
We've been working on some new stuff and have actually gone out and bought some sublimation gear. If you're wondering what 'sublimation' is, it is apparently a $3 word meaning 'get ink real hot so it sticks to stuff'. We've got a big pile of stuff just waiting to be heated to an uncomfortably high temperature, and we're working through a list of images, sayings and other things we find humorous to melt on to said stuff. Swing by the shop in a week or so and see what we've managed to create. You may also be able to score some of our preliminary efforts at fire sale prices. Pay no attention to the burnt flesh marks.
At present, we're fixated on Valentines Day, the latest in a long-running series of YAHIGI events (Yet Another Holiday Invented by the Greeting-card Industry). There are a lot of YAHIGIs in our calendar (Grandparents Day, Bosses Day, Secretaries Day, Groundhog Day, Groundhog Day Groundhog Day...) but Valentines Day is the cheesiest of the bunch. Really - we need a special day to tell the people we love that we love them? And God Forbid you don't tell them you love them in a way that can't be measured in stems, pounds or straps (use your imagination).
Big Game Bret just announced his 5th high school, and I'm well into the game - at least the drinking one. Enough for today.
As Dan Rather used to say, "Courage".
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